Eurasia Regional Section of the World organization "United Cities and Local Governments"

В связи с переходом Ассоциации местных властей Монголии (MALA) из Азиатско-Тихоокеанского отделения ОГМВ в состав Евроазиатского 29-31 мая состоялся визит Генерального секретаря Р.К. Сагитова в Монголию.

Secretary General Mr. Sagitov visited Mongolia

Mongolia 1On 29-31 May Secretary General Mr. Sagitov visited Mongolia because of transfering of Association of local authorities of Mongolia (MALA) from Asia and Pacific section of UCLG to Euro-Asia.

    Chief organizer of the visit was MALA. With the purposes of familiarization with the development of the system of Mongolia local authorities there were arranged the meetings and discussions with the President of MALA, Minister of Mongolia Mr. Batbold, the Chair of Ulaanbaatar Representatives Assembly Mrs. Bolorma, the Chairman Board of People?s Khural of the Bayangol district of the Capital city Mr. Dagvyn, Deputy Mayor of Ulaanbaatar Mr. Baldan and Chairwoman of Mongolia 2the Council of the Citizen?s representatives of the Chingeltei district Mrs. Tungalag.

    At the meeting issues of development of MALA in the Euro-Asia section of UCLG were discussed with Mr. Manaljav, executive director of MALA, also the Bayangol district were visited by Secretary General.

    During discussions there were touched a subject of participation of Mongolian cities in celebration of the World Habitat Day, which will be held this year for the first time in Euro-Asia region in the city of Kazan (Russia), and questions of preparations to the celebration of the 800 anniversary of Mongolian State in July 2006.


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