Eurasia Regional Section of the World organization "United Cities and Local Governments"

Аким Нур-Султана встретился с вице-мэром Парижа

Mayor of Nursultan met with the vice-mayor of Paris

Аким Нур-Султана встретился с вице-мэром Парижа

Mayor of Nur-Sultan Altay Kulginov met with Vice-Mayor of Paris Arnaud Began. The parties discussed cooperation in the fields of culture and ecology, landscaping, and also shared opinions related to the issues of solid waste recycling, the introduction of energy-saving technologies. Special attention was paid to education as well, in particular the construction of schools at the expense of private investment.

Such meetings allow to intensify cooperation, attract private investment, and exchange experience. For example, over 730 billion tenge of private investments have been attracted to the city's economy in 9 months of this year.


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