Eurasia Regional Section of the World organization "United Cities and Local Governments"

Муниципальные предприятия Бишкека сокращают выброс вредных веществ в атмосферу

Bishkek Municipal Enterprises Reduce Harmful Emissions

Муниципальные предприятия Бишкека сокращают выброс вредных веществ в атмосферу

“Bishkekteploenergo” with the participation of the Environmental Protection Fund are taking measures to reduce emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere.

Thus, the modern solar collectors were installed at two city boiler houses. The installation of the solar panels helps to reduce the amount of harmful emissions into the air by 120,2 tons per year, including particulate matter by 11,03 tons per year and greenhouse gases by 57,5 tons per year.

For now, another solar collector with a capacity of 0,6 MW is being installed at the third boiler house. As a result, its installation is expected to reduce emissions by 238,5 tons per year.

The solar panels are based on the metal constructions 8 m high so that tree shadows and multi-storey buildings do not prevent the sun. An important advantage of solar power plants is that they practically do not require maintenance and attention from the operating enterprise.

The result of this work will be improvement of the environmental situation and the social conditions of the Bishkek citizens, as well as the significant savings.

Source: The Bishkek Municipality

This initiative contributes to the SDG 13. Climate actions and to the SDG 7. Affordable and clean energy.



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