Eurasia Regional Section of the World organization "United Cities and Local Governments"

В Перми стартовал международный проект «Школа главного архитектора 4.0»

An International Project “School of Chief Architect 4.0” started in Perm

В Перми стартовал международный проект «Школа главного архитектора 4.0»

“School of Chief Architect 4.0” started in the city of Perm. It is an educational project and communication platform aimed at improving the quality of urban environment by involving representatives of city administration, business, experts and active citizens in joint search for new ideas.

In 2017, the project acquired an international status. Young specialists from 9 countries, such as Great Britain, Brazil, the USA and others were invited to participate.

“School of Chief Architect 4.0” in Perm works from July 6-15. During that week participants cooperates with the support of experts and will show results of their work last day. The jury, which usually includes both developers and experts, will choose the best ideas that will be realized.


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