Eurasia Regional Section of the World organization "United Cities and Local Governments"

Возрождение многоуровневого диалога на 1-й Всеобщей Ассамблее ООН-Хабитат

A revitalized local-national dialogue at the 1st universal UN-Habitat Assembly

Возрождение многоуровневого диалога на 1-й Всеобщей Ассамблее ООН-Хабитат
Возрождение многоуровневого диалога на 1-й Всеобщей Ассамблее ООН-Хабитат
Возрождение многоуровневого диалога на 1-й Всеобщей Ассамблее ООН-Хабитат
Возрождение многоуровневого диалога на 1-й Всеобщей Ассамблее ООН-Хабитат

A delegation of over a hundred local and regional elected officials, practitioners and international networks made their way to the 1st UN-Habitat Assembly that took place in Nairobi from 27 to 31 May, 2019.

The UN-Habitat Assembly was the first of its kind, replacing the traditional UN-Habitat Governing Council. The Assembly has seen the constitution of the first UN Habitat Executive Board composed of around 36 countries that will have the policy oversight in between Assemblies.

For the first time ever during UN-Habitat governing bodies meeting, a Local Governments’ Forum took place on 29 May, in the presence of the UN-Habitat Executive Director, Maimunah Mohd Sharif.

“Local governments play a key role in the development of the 2030 Agenda: mayors’ role is important to take out the urban challenges and find solutions to leave no one and no place behind”, - Maimunah Mohd Sharif, UN-Habitat Executive Director, said.

The content of the Global Taskforce Statement, that had been submitted already to the Assembly and all its delegations, was presented along the different interventions from Mayors and Governors from all continents. They called for a stronger UN Habitat and highlighted the value of the United Nations Advisory Committee of Local Authorities (UNACLA) as a model to be enhanced in the governance structure of UN Habitat.


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