Eurasia Regional Section of the World organization "United Cities and Local Governments"

СТОЛИЦА ЧЕЧНИ ПОЛУЧИЛА НАГРАДУ ООН.5 октября 2009 г. в Вашингтоне состоялось вручение награды почетного списка ООН-Хабитат городу Грозному за реализацию проекта«Постконфликтное восстановление города Грозного»

The capital of Chechen Republic was given the UN award.On the 5th of October in Washington Grozny was presented with Habitat Scroll of Honour for realization of the post-conflict recovery program «Grozny without any sign of war»

On the 5th of October in Washington Grozny was presented with Habitat Scroll of Honour for realization of the post-conflict recovery program «Grozny without any sign of war».
UN-HABITAT is the United Nations agency, providing support and development of human settlements. The presentation of the UN award for important initiatives to improve living conditions of the urban population signifies recognition of the city’s achievements at world level. Habitat Scroll of Honour is currently the most prestigious human settlements award in the world.
This year the UN award has been given to Grozny for the post-conflict recovery of the city. It means the international recognition of the efficiency of the measures that are taken by the actual leaders for dwelling and infrastructure repair. The award was presented to Muslim Huchiev by UN-HABITAT’s Executive Director Mrs Anna Tibaijuka at the World Habitat Day celebrations in Washington.
Grozny was nominated for election by Regional section of UCLG for Euro-Asia, which headquarters are in Kazan. Regional section of UCLG for Euro-Asia is the UN authorized partner in Euro-Asian region and it has a right to nominate a candidate for this prestigious award. Previous years under advice of Euro-Asia Section of UCLG four Russian cities were given the award: Kazan (2005), Yaroslavl (2006), Stavropol (2007) and Bugulma (2008).
Only five years ago Grozny was in ruins, destroyed more than for 90 % in its central part and for 70 % in periphery. The war caused serious damage on the whole infrastructure of Grozny: 80% of dwellings were destroyed, objects of culture and science were demolished. Considerable part of the urban population turned out in extreme and insanitary conditions without water supply, electricity and heating.
For restoration of the destruction, by the governmental regulation of Chechen Republic, situation room was set up, that superintended all the construction works.
The chief aim was the sustainable development of Grozny and formation of favourable living conditions for the citizens and future generations. In 2006 the “Grozny without any sign of war” was started, providing restoration and construction of new objects.
The first task for the goal achievement was removing roadblocks from streets and roads of the city and protection of the city’s people. In two months about fifty roadblocks were dismantled and thirty three objects of municipal property occupied by federal troops were freed in Grozny.
At the beginning of 2009 the construction and restoration of 3216 objects including 3043 municipal dwelling houses, 50 educational objects, 28 objects of pre-school institutions, 51 medical facilities were completed. The main objects of life-support were set in operation: water intakes, transforming stations, stationary boiler-houses etc.
The federal centre provided considerable assistance for the leadership of the republic with the city restoration. The President of Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev and the Chairman of Government V.V. Putin supported the leadership of Chechen Republic personally.
For the last three years, thanks to the efforts of the young and energetic President of Chechen Republic R.A. Kadyrov and all the people, Grozny had been restored almost completely. 
One of the most important factors of management, that is worth using in other districts, is unity of uncoordinated before republican ministries and departments, giving them the common task and the common work. In that case close cooperation between public institutions and departments will take place, forming a team for achieving the common objective.


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