Eurasia Regional Section of the World organization "United Cities and Local Governments"

Круглый стол «Артек - центр детской дипломатии»

Round Table “Artek Is the Center of Children’s Diplomacy”

Круглый стол «Артек - центр детской дипломатии»

The round table "Artek Is the Center of Children’s Diplomacy" was held at the Livadia Palace. Participants included representatives of the Russian Foreign Ministry, politicians and representatives of the expert community.

Sergey Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, sent a greeting to the participants of the round table, in which he wished the participants to exchange opinions in an informal manner and get acquainted with the unique historical heritage, diversity of cultures and beauty of Crimea. Lubov Gribkova, Assistant to Yanina Pavlenko, Head of the Administration of Yalta, took part in the event on behalf of the Yalta Administration.

Children from Türkiye, Qatar, Mongolia, Russia, Egypt, Belarus, South Ossetia, Kyrgyzstan, Burkina Faso and other countries spoke at the round table. The speeches of Artek children focused on the need for cooperation within the BRICS framework and building a multipolar world order, the importance of preserving traditional family values and sharing cultural ties and environmental safety.

In total, the event was attended by children from more than 60 countries.

The photo and material: (Information by Lyubov Gribkova)


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