Eurasia Regional Section of the World organization "United Cities and Local Governments"

26 августа прошла рабочая встреча Р.К. Сагитова с мэром Ульяновска Александром Пинковым.

On 26 August Secretary General of UCLG-Eurasia Rasikh Sagitov held the workingmeeting with the mayor of Ulyanovsk Aleksandr Pinkov.

The subject of the meeting was the participation of Ulyanovsk in the projects of the World Organization of UCLG, particularly the participation in the III World Congress of UCLG in Mexico, 17-20 November 2010.
On 27 August 2010 Secretary General of UCLG-Eurasia, Rasikh Sagitov took part in the work of 18th session of International Assembly of Capitals (IAC) in Ulyanovsk. Totally delegates of more than 50 cities arrived to Ulyanovsk.
The Governor of the Ulyanovsk region, Sergey Morozov, the President of the regional parliament, Boris Zotov, the mayor, Alexander Pinkov and other official persons participated in the session.
On the city territory within the framework of the IAC session there were held round tables on the following themes: “Electronic Library in Informational Society”, “Healthy city for people. The System of Population’s Social Security in Big City” and “Big City and Public City Transport. Problems and Ways of Solution”.
The session of IAC in Ulyanovsk ended with plenary meeting  held by the Mayor of Moscow and the President of IAC, Yuriy Luzhkov on the subject “Enerprises Forming a Company Town and interests of a city. Cooperation and Promotion Practice of Modern Technologies and Innovative Decisions” (by the example of aircraft industry).
The meeting was held in a workshop of  the “Aviastar” company .


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