Eurasia Regional Section of the World organization "United Cities and Local Governments"

Доклад Мэра города Ростов-на-Дону Михаила Чернышева«Новые подходы к общественным услугам»на 3-м Всемирном Конгрессе ОГМВ 18 ноября 2010, Мехико, Мексика

Speech of the Mayor of Rostov-on-Don Mikhaol Chernyshevon the theme «New Approaches to the Public Services»on the 3rd UCLG World Congress18 November 2010, Mexico city, Mexico

Between November, 17-20 Mexico City hosted 3rd World Congress of UCLG which gathered more than 3 000 mayors and representatives of local government around the world. 3 parallel sessions took place in the framework of World Summit and Michael Chernyshev, Mayor of Rostov-on-Don spoke at one of them on the theme «New Approaches to the Public Services». Also, Paul Granda, Mayor of Cuenca (Ecuador), Oh Se-hoon, Mayor of Seoul (Rep. of Korea), and Marie-Thèrèse Mbailemdana, Mayor of Ndjamena (Chad) spoke on this theme.

In his speech, Michael Chernyshev covered such issues as equal access to social services, education, health care, culture and sport, improving the quality of public utilities and public services, infrastructure availability to the public.

World experience proves, efficiently functioning local government is a source of well-being of citizens and the prosperity of a state. Mr Chernyshev willingly spoke about new administrative reforms of the city citing the reform of the e-government formation. As he noted, implementing this reform multi-function centers (MFC) providing state and municipal services open up, including in electronic form on the principle of «one window»; information and telecommunication technologies widely used; portal of state and municipal services opens; and in the future there is and opportunity to receive services from the comfort of your home or office using the Internet. Since 2000, the official Internet portal of the City Duma and the Administration of Rostov-on-Don has already been operating. The portal contains a total of 250 service standards that allow citizens have full information on a service procedure, fill out documents, or get advice by email. It should be noted that it makes gathering documents and filling out forms much easier.

The work of municipal employees also optimized. Now, anyone can come up with a package of ready-made documents and solve problems in one visit.

«The new service quality standards are, first of all, increasing citizens’ trust in the authorities. Implementing administrative reform we aim to ensure that the relation between citizens and government were as transparent as possible. Our landmark – the society that offers real and equal opportunity, where everyone is guaranteed a decent standard of living»

With such a statement Mayor of Rostov-on-Don concluded his speech. Then, Michael Chernyshev answered all the questions of listeners.


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