Eurasia Regional Section of the World organization "United Cities and Local Governments"

Города Евразии достигли гендерного равенства

Eurasia Cities Achieve Gender Equality

Города Евразии достигли гендерного равенства

In March 2023, UCLG-Eurasia conducted a survey of women’s representation in Eurasia local governments to celebrate International Women’s Day. The composition of city councils and leadership of executive bodies was assessed based on the open source information.

Gender equality is a stand-alone goal of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The UN recommends a minimum quota of 30% participation of each sex to ensure gender balance.

Samara became the only city that reached and exceeded the recommended level. The share of women in the leadership of the administration is 44%, and in the City Duma it is 32%. The average level of participation in both bodies is 38%. In addition, the head of the city is also a woman, Yelena Lapushkina. Thus, with confidence it can be considered that Samara achieved gender balance.

The average level of women’s participation in the leadership of executive bodies is 18,05%. Samara (44,4%), Irkutsk (42,8%), Naberezhnye Chelny (40%) and Ryazan (40%) are the best in this indicator. The average rate of women’s participation in city councils is 21,4%. The best results in this block are demonstrated by Moscow (42%), Samarkand (40%), Kirov (33%), Kemerovo (33%), Samara (32%), Yaroslavl (31,5%) and Novokuznetsk (31,4%).

The average between the rate of women’s participation in the executive body and the city council demonstrates the overall rate of women’s participation. Its average value across Eurasia is 20,31%. The leaders are Lipetsk (50%), Samara (38,4%), Samarkand (34,3%), Naberezhnye Chelny (33,64%), Moscow (33,61%), Ryazan (32,8%), Kemerovo (30,9%).

The survey covers the largest cities in the CIS and Mongolia. To receive more information about the survey, click the link.

The photo: Tim Mossholder on Unsplash


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