Eurasia Regional Section of the World organization "United Cities and Local Governments"

Местные власти готовятся к Хабитат III

First PrepCom of Habitat III

Местные власти готовятся к Хабитат III

A delegation of local and regional leaders of the Global Taskforce,  facilitated by UCLG, which included over 40 elected representatives, met in New York on 15-18 September, on the occasion of the first Preparatory Committee meeting for the Habitat III Conference.

The Global Taskforce produced their initial recommendations for Habitat III, calling for the effective involvement of Local and Regional Governments in both the definition and the implementation of the future agenda. This paper highlights some of the key areas that will need to be developed further during the Habitat III preparation process towards the Conference in 2016.

As a result of the meeting the following key decisions were adopted:

  • The meeting saw the election of the Bureau’s co-chairs, Diego Aulestia Valencia of Ecuador, and Maryse Gautier of France, who will serve during the two-year preparatory period, as well as the representatives from each region. Germany, Hungary, Columbia and Senegal were also designated as members of the Bureau.
  • A decision on the venue of the Conference will be confirmed by the end of October (at present, Ecuador is foreseen as the potential venue).
  • Five key themes were adopted as sectorial priorities for the Conference: Housing, Rural-Urban Linkages, Urban Mobility, Municipal Finance and Gender.
  • PrepCom2 will take place in Nairobi from 14 to 16 April 2015. This meeting will be held back-to-back with the Governing Council of UN-Habitat, which will take place on 17 April, also in Nairobi.


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