Eurasia Regional Section of the World organization "United Cities and Local Governments"

Межрегиональный тренинг и образовательный семинар на тему партнерства между общественными ичастными организациями в целях борьбы с бедностью состоится в Турине,Италия, 27 – 31 октября 2008 года.

Public-private partnerships for urban poverty reduction InterregionalTraining and Knowledge Sharing Workshop will take place in Turin, 27-31October 2008

The above-mentioned training and knowledge-sharing workshop is organised by the International Training Centre of the ILO in Turin (Italy), in collaboration with the International Labour Office, UNDP and UN-Habitat.

The workshop will bring together a wide range of development actors to discuss pro-poor municipal partnerships. At the end of the workshop, participants will have learned, or will better appreciate, what makes public private partnerships work for the urban poor. They will have acquired notions, guidelines, practical examples and tools pertinent to the subjects treated. They will be better equipped to engage in constructive consultations and joint action towards improved service provision, urban employment creation and poverty reduction.

The course is fee-paying and the organizers are in a position to offer a limited number of fellowships to selected applicants.

Deadline for application: 12 september 2008.

More detailed information available in the document attached. Also you may upload a registration form here. For any questions please contact the organizers using the following data (please note that UCLG Euro-Asia IS NOT involved in the organization of the training mentioned. For all questions you must contact the ITC representatives):

Sophie Ouine

Social Dimension of Trade and Investment (SDTI) Programme
International Training Centre of the ILO
Viale Maestri del Lavoro, 10 - 10127 Turin, Italy
Tel.: +39 011 693 6522
Fax: + 39 011 693 6451
ILO ITC Website:


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