Eurasia Regional Section of the World organization "United Cities and Local Governments"

Награда города Гуанчжоу: продлен срок подачи заявок

Guangzhou Award: Submission Deadline Extension

Награда города Гуанчжоу: продлен срок подачи заявок

By May 31st, the Guangzhou Award Secretariat has received a great number of registrations from cities and local governments around the world.

Considering that some applicants have submitted registrations with more than one initiative, together with the approaching summer holiday, the Guangzhou Award Organizing Committee has decided to postpone the deadline for application submissions to September 30th, in order to allow more time for applicants to prepare for their submission materials.

Please note that there might be minor changes in the application form. The secretariat cordially requests applicants’ patience in waiting for further notice of the new application form, which will be updated on the Guangzhou Award website at

For further information, feel free to contact the Guangzhou Award Secretariat at


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