Eurasia Regional Section of the World organization "United Cities and Local Governments"

Номинации на награждение ООН-Хабитат 2008.

Nomination for the 2008 Habitat Scroll of Honor Award

The nominations for the can be submitted until 31 July. This year, special focus will be given to achievements in the areas of socio-economic equality, environmental sustainability and cultural identity in cities, as highlighted in this year?s World Habitat Day theme, Harmonious Cities.

Launched in 1989, the Scroll acknowledges initiatives that have made outstanding contributions in providing adequate shelter for all and advancing sustainable urban development. These include provision of shelter for the homeless, leadership in reconstruction after conflict and natural disasters, and improvements to the quality of urban life. PRIZE

The awarded cases will be acknowledge at the Global Observance of World Habitat Day, in Luanda, Angola on 6 October 2008.


All Habitat Agenda partners are eligible. These include governments and inter-governmental organizations or agencies including bilateral aid agencies; cities, local authorities or their associations; civil society organizations; private sector organizations; National Habitat committees or focal points; research and academic institutions; public or private foundations; multilateral agencies, the media and individuals cited for their outstanding work.

Submit your entry online

Your nominations should be presented at by 31 July 2008

Please forward this message to others who may be interested in this award.


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