Eurasia Regional Section of the World organization "United Cities and Local Governments"

Повестку 2030 изучили в Душанбе

The 2030 Agenda Was Studied in Dushanbe

Повестку 2030 изучили в Душанбе
Повестку 2030 изучили в Душанбе
Повестку 2030 изучили в Душанбе
Повестку 2030 изучили в Душанбе
Повестку 2030 изучили в Душанбе
Повестку 2030 изучили в Душанбе

UCLG-Eurasia together with the Executive body of the state authority of Dushanbe (the municipality of Dushanbe) organized a seminar on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The event took place in the city hall of Dushanbe on April 4.

The seminar was opened with welcoming remarks by Abdurahmon Abdurahmonzoda, Deputy Mayor of Dushanbe.

“Dear Mr. Sagitov, we express our confidence that this seminar will contribute to further strengthening of partnership between local and regional governments in all areas of cooperation”.

Rasikh Sagitov, Secretary General of UCLG-Eurasia, welcomed the participants of the seminar: “The topic of the workshop is relevant for the city, since the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is also adopted by the Republic of Tajikistan, and the National Development Strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan for the period up to 2030 acts as the main mechanism around which the implementation of the SDGs is organized”.

The seminar began with an introduction to the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its main principles. Tansylu Nurieva, Project Director of UCLG-Eurasia, introduced the participants to the SDGs and its targets, successful city cases and the process of preparing voluntary reviews of the SDG achievement.

Particular attention was paid to the topic of climate change. Glaciers have been melting in recent decades in Tajikistan, and this causes risks of flooding and water crisis in Central Asia. Saida Zagidullina, Development Director, presented the objectives of the 2030 Agenda related to climate and the experience of cities in this direction. Emphasis was placed on preparation of climate plans and strategies. It is worth noting the valuable experience of the city of Dushanbe, which in 2022 prepared the climate strategy “Dushanbe Green City Action Plan”. This is the first urban climate plan in the Eurasia region.

The seminar was held in an interactive format. Staffers of the municipality took part in surveys, did exercises and debated.

In conclusion, Rasikh Sagitov, Secretary General, thanked the seminar participants and presented them certificates.


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