Eurasia Regional Section of the World organization "United Cities and Local Governments"

Сотрудникам секретариата повышают квалификацию.

Qualification of Secretariat staff members is to be improved.

Eurasian and Middle East&West Asia sections of UCLG have agreed to exchange staff. Some staff members of the secretariat office in the Middle East will be sent to Kazan for a monthly training in the Eurasian secretariat. In turn, the staff of the Eurasian Secretariat will get work experience at the Secretariat of Istanbul. This program was initiated by the President of UCLG and Mayor of Istanbul Kadir Topbas to enhance the professional skills of employees of UCLG, share experiences and create a new vision. A successful example of this initiative is the training of employees of the Middle East section in the World Secretariat in Barcelona.


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