Eurasia Regional Section of the World organization "United Cities and Local Governments"

ТРЕБОВАНИЯ К КАНДИДАТАМ на проведение 3-го Всемирного Конгресса ОГМВ в 2010 году: Сердце местной демократии в 21 веке

CALL FOR CANDIDATES: 3rd UCLG World Congress 2010: The heart of local democracy in the 21st century

In October 2007, the United Cities and Local Governments World Council will choose the city that will host its prestigious 3rd World Congress in 2010.

The UCLG World Congress is held every three years, offering an exceptional opportunity for local government representatives to meet colleagues from around the world and to interact with actors form both the private sector and international institutions.

Moreover, it provides a forum in which mayors and councillors collectively examine key local government issues and set the local government agenda for the next three years and beyond.

A major opportunity

The members of the UCLG World Council are looking for innovative proposals for hosting this world class event. This is a major opportunity for your city, region or Local Government Association to stand out. Hosting the event offers a window for leaders of the world?s cities to learn from your local initiatives and much much more. The event will:
?  Confer long-term prestige on your city and its role in the world-wide municipal movement
?  Bring over 3000 delegates from 130 countries to your city
?  Give your city the opportunity to showcase interesting initiatives
?  Provide opportunities for your private sector partners to present their offering to a broad market
?  Confirm the status of your city and its infrastructure as a world-class conference centre

The ideal candidate will be :

?  A Member of UCLG or willing to become a member;
?  Committed to promoting the local government global movement;
?  Able to showcase interesting case studies on the local government agenda;
?  Able to count on institutional support from the local, regional and national government;
?  Able to develop an innovative universal event in partnership with diverse stakeholders;
?  Proven organisational and infrastructure capacity to host an event of over 3000 participants, including easy international accessibility and sufficient hotel capacity;
?  Able to meet the associated financial and administrative conditions (to be defined in cooperation with the Financial Management Committee).


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