Eurasia Regional Section of the World organization "United Cities and Local Governments"

Новая инициатива от ООН-Хабитат и города Шанхая

A New Initiative of UN-Habitat and Shanghai

Новая инициатива от ООН-Хабитат и города Шанхая

Call for applications for the 2023 Shanghai Award from cities and municipalities around the world has started. Applications can be submitted by June 30, 2023.

The Shanghai Award is a new global initiative established in 2022 by UN-Habitat and the Municipality of Shanghai. It focuses specifically on cities and aims to recognize the outstanding progress and achievements of cities and municipalities around the world in implementing the 2030 Agenda as well as the New Urban Agenda.

UN-Habitat will approve the list of winning cities based on the recommendations and reports submitted by the International Jury. More information, the application form and accompanying materials are available on the official website of the award.

Up to five cities may win the award. Winners will receive a certificate, a plaque and a trophy. The winning cities will have the opportunity to share their best practices and achievements in the field of the sustainable urban development, and will be invited to participate in important international events, such as the World Urban Forum and World Cities Day.

The photo: Ralf Leineweber on Unsplash


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