Eurasia Regional Section of the World organization "United Cities and Local Governments"

Роботы-гиды в Иркутске

Robot-Guides in Irkutsk

Роботы-гиды в Иркутске

Robot-guides have appeared in the offices of the Irkutsk tourist information service. The assistants answer tourists’ questions, tell interesting facts about the city and the region. The guides are planned to be placed in the future in places most visited by travelers, for example, at the airport.

This is a domestic development. Its authors live in Perm. Together with them, we decided what phrases would be “stitched” into the robots’ consciousness, what information about the city they would share with Irkutsk citizens and guests of the capital of the Baikal region”, explained the tourist information service.

The weight of each of them is 150 kilograms, the memory capacity is 240 gigabytes. The devices are equipped with a capacious battery, so it is enough to charge them once a day. The robots are capable of learning: they remember faces of people, with whom they have already communicated, can recognize their gender and age and conduct a conversation with this in mind.

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