Eurasia Regional Section of the World organization "United Cities and Local Governments"

В Ульяновске стартовал проект «Социальный десант»

The Social Landing Project Starts in Ulyanovsk

В Ульяновске стартовал проект «Социальный десант»

On July 19, Ulyanovsk began the implementation of the Social Landing project.

The purpose of this project is to explain social policy, inform citizens of the region about measures of state support.

In total, the project includes 27 events, including seminars, round tables and master classes.

“The work of the Social Landing will raise awareness of state support measures among citizens, and most importantly will help people to receive these measures in full and on time”, Head of the Family Affairs Department Lyudmila Babunova said.

The City Administration held a meeting of the Council for Demographic Policy, followed by a meeting for deputy heads of district administrations, representatives of the Commission on Minors' Affairs and deputy directors of schools and a learning seminar “Social support in work with families at risk” will be held.

A round table entitled "Children and Summers: risks and resources” was organized online at the Centre for Social and Psychological Assistance to Families and Children, with the participation of specialists from employment services, the Commission on Minors' Affairs and the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. Honorary Ulyanovsk families as well as members of the Council of Fathers and Mothers met there.

A learning seminar was held in the Leninsky District Administration, where chairmen of district commissions and representatives of regional employment services will be told about the procedure and conditions for granting a social contract.

At the same time, workshops on medical and social support for pregnant women were held in four city polyclinics. Representatives of the district administration, psychologists of the "Family" center, medical workers and specialists working with families with children took part in the events.

In addition, the project includes a number of activities aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle.

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