Eurasia Regional Section of the World organization "United Cities and Local Governments"

Проект «Новосибирск – город-музей» высоко оценили на международном уровне

An International Jury Mentioned Specially the Project "Novosibirsk – City-Museum"

Проект «Новосибирск – город-музей» высоко оценили на международном уровне
Проект «Новосибирск – город-музей» высоко оценили на международном уровне
Проект «Новосибирск – город-музей» высоко оценили на международном уровне
Проект «Новосибирск – город-музей» высоко оценили на международном уровне
Проект «Новосибирск – город-музей» высоко оценили на международном уровне
Проект «Новосибирск – город-музей» высоко оценили на международном уровне
Проект «Новосибирск – город-музей» высоко оценили на международном уровне
Проект «Новосибирск – город-музей» высоко оценили на международном уровне

At the UCLG Executive Bureau in Strasbourg, the results of the 3rd Edition of “UCLG - Mexico City - Culture 21” were announced to the members. The secretary of Culture of the City of Mexico and co-chair of the UCLG Committee of Culture gave a special mention to the city of Novosibirsk.

The category “City” recognises a city, local or regional government the cultural policy of which has contributed significantly to linking the values of culture (heritage, diversity, creativity and transmission of knowledge) with democratic governance, citizen participation and sustainable development. The Award recognises an original policy, programme or project that explicitly includes the principles of the Agenda 21 for culture.

The city of Novosibirsk presented the project "Novosibirsk - city-museum". The author of the project is the Museum of Novosibirsk. The idea of the project is to take the museum out of its building and to turn the whole city into a museum with the help of modern technologies.

There are several parts of the project. The first part is the unusual walking tours, such as the tours to the city slums and the merchants' quarter. In winter time, when it's cold in Novosibirsk, there are tours to the Novosibirsk Hydroelectric Power Station and to the City Hall.

The second part is the video installations. The Novosibirsk Museum organizes vivid events to attract a wide audience. There are colourful video installations called "Buildings and people" that are demonstrated on the main city buildings with the help of 3D-mapping.

The third part of the project "Novosibirsk - city-museum" is the creation of virtual and electronic historical resources. There are tablets with QR-code on the main historical buildings. Using a smartphone, one may learn about how the building was created and who lived there.

The Jury recognised this project as a good practice in culture and sustainable city. This will
later be internationally disseminated by the UCLG Culture Committee. The Award Ceremony will take place on 18-20 October 2018 in Mexico City. 


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