International Association "United Cities and Local Governments of Eurasia"


The network of members of United Cities and Local Government (UCLG) represents 5 billion people across the world, 70% of the world’s total population. The network extends to every corner of the globe and covers over 240.000 towns, cities, regions and metropolises and over 175 associations of local and regional governments in 140 countries.


Local and regional governments GLOBALLY

Becoming a member of UCLG means supporting the global agenda to promote local and regional governance on the international scene. As the level of governance closes to citizens, international institutions now look to UCLG for the contribution and perspective of local and regional leaders on global issues.

The advocacy and policy work of the UCLG network on the global sphere addresses varied issues including local innovation, gender equity, sustainability and many more.

Local and regional governments NETWORKING

Local and regional leaders call for increased capacity building to help them better serve their communities. Within UCLG we believe that sharing knowledge and expertise is the key to developing local governance. With geographical sections on all continents and a metropolitan and regional section, the UCLG network gives members an exceptional opportunity to network. Networking is promoted in UCLG through the following activities, among others:

  • The World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders

  • Regular networking events at major international meetings

  • A responsive World Secretariat at the service of its members 

  • Projects aimed at specific topics relevant to local and regional authorities

  • The UCLG website that allows for sharing of information and experiences


Whether you are looking to share experiences, make new alliances with fellow local or regional leaders, access up-to-date information on issues relevant to you, attend one of our networking or political events, or be part of the global municipal movement, the UCLG network has something to offer.