Eurasia Regional Section of the World organization "United Cities and Local Governments"

Якутск включён в пилотный проект по достижению Целей устойчивого развития

Yakutsk Is Included in the Pilot Project to Achieve the SDGs

Якутск включён в пилотный проект по достижению Целей устойчивого развития

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) project of the Moscow City Government and VEB.RF has been implemented since the end of 2020 and is focused on single-industry towns. In the course of the work, Moscow shared its experience in achieving the SDGs, and for each participating city a report on the achievement of the SDGs was prepared with an analysis of the socio-economic situation, identification of potential areas of development, results of a comprehensive assessment of the situation in the city based on the VEB.RF quality of life index and recommendations of the Moscow City Government with an action plan.

Yakutsk became the first major city to join the project. Participation in it will enable to assess the current development of the capital of Russia’s largest region and receive analytical and expert recommendations on improving the quality of life in the city. The implementation of the pilot project became known on June 19 at the plenary session of the VEB.RF Day in Yakutsk.

Yevgeny Grigoryev, Mayor of Yakutsk, expressed confidence that for Yakutsk, the implementation of the pilot project would have a positive impact not only on the city’s vital activities, but also on the comfort of citizens.

The photo and content: the press office of the administration of Yakutsk/


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