International Association "United Cities and Local Governments of Eurasia"


UCLG represents all local governments, either large (including metropolises with a population over 1 million people) or small ones.

141 of the 191 UN members states, in the seven world regions, are members of UCLG

more than 120 cities, regions and associations are members
of UCLG-Eurasia

The supreme governing body of UCLG-Eurasia is the General Assembly held every three years.

The Council of UCLG-Eurasia is a collegial, permanently functioning body. The Council is chaired by the President. The Council and the President are elected by the General Assembly for a three-year term.

The executive body of UCLG-Eurasia is its Secretariat that performs ongoing activities of the Organization. The Secretariat is managed by the Secretary General elected by the Council of UCLG-Eurasia for a three-year term.