UCLG represents all local governments, either large (including metropolises with a population over 1 million people) or small ones.
The supreme governing body of UCLG-Eurasia is the General Assembly held every three years.
The Council of UCLG-Eurasia is a collegial, permanently functioning body. The Council is chaired by the President. The Council and the President are elected by the General Assembly for a three-year term.
The executive body of UCLG-Eurasia is its Secretariat that performs ongoing activities of the Organization. The Secretariat is managed by the Secretary General elected by the Council of UCLG-Eurasia for a three-year term.
© UCLG Eurasia
Address: 8/1, Mislavsky str., Kazan, 420111
Tel./fax: +7 (843) 292-09-34
e-mail: uclg@yandex.ru
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