International Association "United Cities and Local Governments of Eurasia"



Interview with the Mayor of Magadan Yuri Grishan

1. По данным Исследования международной активности городов, проведенного в 2019 году, Магадан продемонстрировал высокую долю иностранных туристов, которая составила 70 %. В данном направлении Магадан обогнал и города-миллионники, и крупнейшие города, которые привлекают сотни тысяч туристо...


Interview with Mayor of Arkhangelsk Dmitry Morev

1. Как пандемия повлияла на развитие туризма в городе Архангельске? ‒ В период пандемии в сфере туризма действовали ограничения, направленные на предупреждение распространения COVID-19: рекомендации не пересекать границы субъекта Российской Федерации, отмена международных рейсов, пр...


Interview with the Mayor of Murmansk Yuri Serdkin

1. Что на Ваш взгляд можно предпринять на уровне муниципалитетов, чтобы снизить отток молодежи из Арктики? Если в Вашем городе реализуются какие-либо программы/проекты в данной сфере, приведите, пожалуйста, пример. ‒ Прежде всего хочу сказать, что в Мурманске живет замечательная моло...


Interview with Aziz Surakmatov, Mayor of Bishkek

─ Bishkek has become an absolute leader of the Ranking of Municipalities’ International Activity. In your opinion, what strengths of the city have allowed Bishkek to rank first? First of all, I would like to thank the Eurasia Regional Section of the United Cities and Loc...


Interview with Kamil Nugaev, Mayor of Bolgar

- Mr.Nugaev, you have been running Spassky Municipal District of the Republic of Tatarstan for more than 20 years. This is enormous experience. In your opinion, have conditions for the efficient work of local governments improved? Have the powers of municipalities been enlarged? ...


Interview with Aidar Metshin, Mayor of Nizhnekamsk

Aidar Metshin, Mayor of Nizhnekamsk, described in details the future plans of the municipal district, attraction of investors from China and Spain and improvement of the demographic situation. This is a part of the interview. The full version is available on the website of the Adminis...


Interview with Haik Marutya, Mayor of Yerevan

Prestigious Austrian “Society” published an interview with the Mayor of Yerevan Hayk Marutyan. The Society-publisher Gerti Tauchhammer visited Yerevan in October 2018 on the event of the 2800th anniversary of Yerevan foundation. -You are the Mayor of Yerevan since September 2...


Interview with Sergey Yeremin, Mayor of Krasnoyarsk

XXIX Winter Universiade 2019 will take place in Krasnoyarsk, the most eastern city in Russia with a population above one million people. The experience of preparing and holding such a great event can be useful to all of the UCLG-Eurasia members. We asked Mr. Sergey Yeremin, Mayor of Kr...


Интервью акима города Астаны А.Р. Джаксыбекова

— Астана – одна из самых молодых и динамично развивающихся столиц мира. Какие конкретные шаги предпринимаются акиматом по повышению имиджа Астаны. На Ваш взгляд, какую роль в становлении имиджа играет развитие международных отношений и участие в деятельности международных организаций? — ...


Emeritus Mayor Peter Woods, Order of Australia Medal awarded

Peter Woods was born in New Zealand before travelling to Australia where he has lived for over 43years. He has dual citizenship. A teacher, academic, public administrator and industrial advocate with degrees in Sociology and Education, he was an elected Councilor and Mayor for over 26 yea...


Interview with Eugeny Shulepov, the Mayor of Vologda

— Mr Shulepov, please tell us a little about Vologda. — Vologda is an ancient Russian city. This year we have celebrated its 868 years anniversary. It is the same age as Moscow. City is historic, but also dynamic. Vologda is an administrative, industrial and cultural center of one of the...


Localizing the Decent Work Agenda: The Role of Local Authorities

Interview with Sara Hoeflich de Duque, Programme Manager at United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) In this interview, Sara Hoeflich de Duque, Programme Manager at United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) provides an in-depth analysis of the role of local authorities in promoting th...


Interview with Kadir Topbas, the Mayor of Istanbul and President of UCLG

Coping with a burgeoning urban population by 2030 In 2007, the share of the world’s population living in urban areas surpassed 50 %. By 2030, approximately 80 % of the developing world’s population will live in cities. What can be done now to ensure that these cities can cope with such g...


Ilsur MEtshin:"Sharing best practices is the most important condition for the development of cities"

— Mr. Ilsur Metshin, you are the President of the Eurasian section of UCLG, Co-President of World Organization of UCLG and the President of the Eurasian section of the Organization of World Heritage Cities. In your opinion, what are the be...


The opinion of the Mayor of Kirov Vladimir Bykov on transport of the future

— Mr. Vladimir Bykov, what is the transport of future in your opinion? — If we talk about the transport of the city of Kirov, which is not a million-city, the transport of future for us is undoubtedly the nonpolluting one. That would be trolley buses and electric trains. The priority in...


The opinion of the Mayor of N.Novgorod Oleg Kondrashov on transport of the future

— Mr. Oleg Kondrashov, what do you think is the transport of future and what are the prospects of its development in Nizhny Novgorod? — Currently the most future-oriented urban transport is electric transport. It is of particular importance for city bec...


The opinion of Acting Mayor of the city of Krasnoyarsk Edkham S.Akbulatov on transport of the future

Mr. Edkham Akbulatov, what do you think is the transport of future? For any metropolitan city the question of transport service is one of the most important ones. In terms of urban development, construction of new districts, population growth, incr...


Interview of Dr. Kadir TOPBAŞ, the President of UCLG and the Mayor of Istanbul

— Dear Dr. Topbaş, what goals and tasks do you set for your UCLG presidency term? What will the Organization be like at the end of your term? As I have pointed out during my candidacy, I consider the UCLG Presidency as a “relay-race” for serving the cities, metropolises, regional and loc...


Interview to the Secretary General of UCLG, Joseph Roig

— Mr. Joseph , you were recently elected UCLG Secretary General. What does it mean to you? — I have worked with cities during many years. In the era of urbanization I experience it as a great challenge to work in the development of United Cities and Local Governments. It is further a gre...